How to make greek Tzatziki?

Each and everyone that has visited Greece undoubtedly has tasted greek tzatziki at least once.The most famous Greek summer dip. Velvety , cool with an intense taste that charms everyone who try it. It can be served with bread, pitta bread and it goes perfectly with grilled lamb, souvlaki , gyros and every homemade meal.

It is a dip that you can’t easily forget tasting it and you ‘ll probably want more.What if you could make it yourself at home ?

Here we have the traditional greek recipe that grandma Christina shared with us.


1 cucumber (½ medium or 1/3 large)peeled, grated and drained

1 ½ – 2 pieces of garlic

3 tbsp olive oil

½ tbsp vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon pepper

500 ml strained greek yogurt

5 – 6 sprigs of dill , chopped


1.clean and grate the cucumber. Drain it well, either by putting it on a kitchen towel, making a pouch and squeezing it, or in a colander with your palms. Take it little by little and press it well to remove all its liquids and put it in a bowl.

2. Add the garlic (if you want it more spicy put 2 pieces), the olive oil, the vinegar, the pepper, the salt and mix.

3. Mix it in the bowl with the yogurt.

4. Test if you need salt or pepper.

5.Finally add the chopped dill.

6. Put the tzatziki in a tightly closed bowl, in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (you can keep it in the refrigerator for 5 days).


Here you will find more greek recipes!

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