How to make Spanakopita?

Spanakopita , in fact is the ‘Greek spinach pie’, is another very famous pie throughout Greece and is prepared very similarly to the Tiropita dish . This delicious dish can without a doubt be eaten any time of the day, as a starter or snack, as breakfast or dinner. If you visit Greece you ‘ll have the opportunity to taste spanakopita almost everywhere or you may already have.

Here we have the original traditional recipe of Grandma Christina for Spanakopita in order to add a greek snack to your daily diet!

For the dough
500 gr. hard flour
100 ml olive oil
20 ml vinegar, from white wine
10 gr. granulated sugar
1 1/2 tbsp. salt
210 ml of water
200 ml olive oil, for spreading
semolina, finely chopped to open the dough sheets

For the filling
2 tbsp. olive oil
3 spring onions
1 kg of spinach, washed
1/2 bunch mint
1 bunch of cauliflowers
4 kg oregano
1/3 bunch dill
lemon zest, from 1 lemon
500 gr. feta cheese
200 gr. cream cheese(preferably to be more creamy)

For the dough

In a mixer add the flour, olive oil, white wine vinegar, sugar, salt and water. Mix for 5 minutes. If you do not have a mixer, yu can mix the ingredients with our hands for about 5 minutes. Once the dough starts to come together and come off the walls of the bowl in 5 minutes, remove it from the bowl. Our dough should be soft, smooth and elastic. Put the dough in another bowl and cover it with a foil. Set it aside to rest for 30 minutes.

For the filling

You need a non-stick pan over medium to high heat. Add a little olive oil. Coarsely chopped spring onions. Add them to the pan and stir until soft. Add the spinach which you break into pieces with your hands and mix. Saute until all its liquids have evaporated. Transfer it to a bowl. Coarsely chop the mint and add it to the bowl. Add the kaukalithres, the oregano, the dill, the zest of 1 lemon, the feta which we break with our hands, the cream cheese, plenty of pepper and salt. Stir and our filling is ready.

To open our sheets of dough

Preheat the oven to 190 ° C ( air mode). Once your dough is ready, transfer it to the workbench and divide into 6 equal pieces. Sprinkle semolina on your workbench .Start with a rolling pin to open the first of your 6 doughs until it has a diameter of about 40-50 cm. If you see that the dough sticks, add more semolina. We always open the dough, turning the rolling pin towards us. In the first 5 sheets you are not paying attention in its shape except on the last one that you will use to close your pie. Once you open the first sheet, cut it into 4 pieces. Follow the same procedure for the other doughs.

Grease a round pan with a diameter of 30 cm with olive oil. Spread the 4 pieces from the first sheet in the pan in succession. Sprinkle with olive oil without resting the brush on the sheets of dough. You must not touch them with the brush so that air can enter and the sheets and not to stick to each other. This way our sheets will become crispier. We need about 200 ml of olive oil to spread our sheets in total. Repeat the process for another 2 sheets so as to create the base of our pie. First you will create walls in our pie and then fill the gaps of the pie with the pieces of dough, thus creating textures in our pie.

Spread the filling well over the entire surface of the pan and sprinkle with olive oil. Continue with the same process for 2 more sheets, putting them on top of the filling, covering the spinach. You should pay great attention to the last sheet that we have left . Put it on top and turn the edges inwards with your hands. Carve your pie with a knife. Sprinkle with the remaining olive oil and it is ready to cook. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until crispy and browned. Cut into pieces and sprinkle with olive oil.Your Spanakopita is ready!!

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