Meteora Monasteries Greece: A Miraculous Marvel

Meteora Monasteries Greece can be described as a miracle in Greece. A few kilometers northwest of the town of Kalabaka, the impressive rock of Meteora rises from the plains of Thessaly, one of the most stunning places in Greece.

Many centuries ago, one of Greece’s most important monastic communities was built on these massive rocks, which reaches more than 600 meters high and offers breathtaking views. The Greek word Meteora means “suspended in the air,” an expression that aptly describes these extraordinary Greek Orthodox monasteries. What’s really amazing is that these 6 monasteries are now still active and work as all the others, and while car parks and stairways now replace baskets and ropes, visiting Meteora feels exactly like taking a giant step back in time. If you’re visiting Greece, Meteora Monasteries Greece is one destination that shouldn’t be skipped.

You should not miss the opportunity and check out the monasteries. Huge monasteries are scattered on the top of the cliffs. Each monastery is impressively constructed with unique architectural designs that will definitely take your breath away.

The six working monasteries in Meteora you can check out are:

  • Monastery of the Holy Trinity
  • Monastery of St Stephen
  • St Nicholas Anapausas Monastery
  • Roussanou Monastery
  • Varlaam Monastery
  • Monastery of Great Meteoron

During the Turkish occupation, it was the monasteries that preserved Greek culture and traditions, not only religious centers, but also academic and artistic centers. It is believed that without the monasteries, Greek culture would have disappeared and modern Greece would have been a reflection of the Ottoman Empire, of which very little is known about its origins and history. The monastery attracted not only devout religious people, but also Greek philosophers, poets, painters, and profound thinkers.

If you’re visiting Greece, Meteora is one destination that shouldn’t be skipped.

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